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Pest Control Inside Your Home

Serving Families Throughout Boerne & Surrounding Areas
kitchen with an island

For Effective Pest Control Inside your Home Call the Professionals

To ensure the effective use of pesticides inside your home or business, we recommend calling the professionals. Our technicians are knowledgeable about the recommended use of pesticides and are experienced with proper application. The well-being of you, your family and your pets is our priority.

When it comes to the use of pesticides, we understand your safety concerns. Exposure to chemical pesticides can cause a host of physical ailments. The best policy is to limit your exposure and to know what chemicals are being used.

All pesticides contain chemicals. However, we use only the most family and pet-friendly pesticides on the market. We choose the most effective pest control products with the least chemical toxins.

For the Most Eco-Friendly Pest Control Choose Organic, All-Natural, Botanical Products

We know some of our Hill Country neighbors may prefer an organic pest control option.

Whether you’re concerned about the environment or simply want to limit your family’s exposure to insecticides, botanical pest control is a viable option.  These all-natural, organic products are made of a combination of plant oils that both repel insects and act as a natural insecticide.

Our botanical product is made of Thyme Oil, 2-Phenethyl Propionate (found in peanuts), and Rosemary Oil. Many of our customers choose this environmentally friendly, non-toxic option for protecting their home and family.

While there are many advantages to botanical pest control products, they can take a little longer to work but they can be used just as effectively as a chemical-based product while offering peace of mind.  Homeowners can also practice other methods to naturally keep pests out to extend the effectiveness of each treatment.

Customers can choose to use an all-natural, botanical product inside their home or business and use a general pest control product outside for the most effective control of unwanted pests.

Is it OK to Stay Home during Pest Control Treatment?

Yes, it’s fine to remain in your home or business during and after pest control treatment applications.  However, rarely individuals may be sensitive to insecticide or botanical odors. In this case, leaving your house for a short while during and after treatment may be beneficial.

If you decide to leave your home for a bit, check out these great places in Boerne where you can grab some coffee or pastries.

Why Do I See More Bugs after Pest Treatment?

It’s common to see more insects after pesticides have been applied. The active ingredients in pesticides are made to kill, repel, and prevent larva development. As insects come out of hiding, they will be affected by the applications and not be able to return to their hiding places.

Insects may die immediately, and you’ll see an increase in dead bugs.  Alternatively, some insects may experience a slowing down of their life force and not be able to scurry out of sight as quickly.  However, these bugs will also die shortly thereafter.

After this initiates an increase in bug-sightings, you should experience a bug-free home after pest control treatments.

The EPA Recommends the following Guidelines for Safe Pest Control

Pest control experts, like the Covenant Pest Control exterminators, are trained to use insecticides efficiently.  We use chemicals that have been approved by the EPA and utilize procedures that protect our clients.  Some of these EPA pest control guidelines include:

  1. Keep children and pets away from areas where pesticides has been applied
  2. Keep children and pets away from bait traps
  3. Pesticides should only be applied to targeted areas
  4. Ask your professional what chemicals are being applied
  5. Use all-natural, alternative pest control before resorting to chemicals

For more information or to schedule service, call Covenant Pest Control at (830) 320-4002.